Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Perfectly ImPerfect: Dishes

Hi there, world! I thought I'd do a series highlighting my imperfect-ness! There are SO many (maybe all) areas of my life that I feel like I should be perfect, but, sadly, I fall short. All. The. Time!! So...maybe you're out there feeling guilty because you feel like you should have achieved some sort of perfection, and yet, there you are, in your mid-thirties...not perfect. Well, hopefully I'll be an encouragement, and we can bond over our imperfection!

So...here we go!

One of the areas that I continually struggle, is with...the dishes! Dishes? Really? Don't you have a dishwasher? Well, actually, I do in fact have a dishwasher. But, until someone invents a thing to clear the dishes from the table, rinse them, and place them in the dishwasher, I'll probably struggle!

You're probably wondering, Why?! It's just dishes! Eat, rinse, put in dishwasher, move on! Sadly,
with a toddler and a dog running around, it's not that easy! My toddler loves to 'help' these days! And if you're a mom, you know that 'helping', means more work! So, he loves to help me by taking the dishes out of the dishwasher...even if they're dirty! Somehow he can't understand that concept that dirty ones go in, and clean ones go out!

Then there's the dog. She is forever licking the silverware and sticking her head IN the dishwasher for all of the goop on the top rack to drip onto her beautiful, soft, wavy coat. Awesome!

So while it would seem that loading dirty dishes should be a simple chore, sadly it is not in our house. I usually try to wait until the toddler is otherwise occupied and sneak a few dishes in before he comes running in wondering how he can help! The dog's head gets covered in leftovers, but oh well! I'm sure she won't care!

Oh, and there's one more thing...my dishwasher is out of commission...HA!

I guess it's time to go do some dishes, with my little helper!!


  1. I lock Faellan and the dogs out of the kitchen when I do the dishwasher. Then it's at a warp speed pace before he figures it out and wants to help.

    1. Levi would be banging on the door!!! Haha!!
